I like volunteering. I don't know what it is. I volunteer teach some early highschool kids a world religions class once a week, and I've been helping out at a local (kind of) community center teaching older people how to use computers. And I feel (moreso in the latter than with the kids) that I'm really doing some good. I feel like I'm actually helping people out, maybe making their lives a little bit easier. And that's a good feeling. I'm not trying to make myself out like Mother Theresa or Ghandi or anything; I'm just saying that helping people yields a good feeling. Yay for helping people!
On a completely different subject, I still hate politics, I hate it when people get all fired-up about politics, and I hate it when people insult my friends. So there.
ramĀ·bling ADJECTIVE: Often or habitually roaming; wandering.
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