Thursday, August 18, 2005


And it finally came (and hopefully went). My dearest spam... "I agree with your post. Check out this site!" Seriously... is that the best they can do? I mean, I understand that the very notion of spam is that it's not personalized, but if that's the case, why attempt to make it personalized? I mean, I wouldn't have bothered to check out that site except for the fact that this guy agreed with my post about juice! Hoo-wee, count me sold! (Incidentally, I have not a clue what "this site" wound up being; didn't waste my time.)

In response to the past two legit comments:

1) Yes, green beans do suck. Honestly, I'm not such a big fan of broccoli either. And spinach? Let's say that spinach is tredding on thin ice; it should watch it's ass. I think I can blanket say that I'm not a fan of green food. (Except on St. Patty's day, when I get green pancakes and green beer, etc.) I'm trying though; tryin to gets me some vitamins. But I don't plan to use green beans again; I'm thinking broccoli isn't going to make the cut either. Carrots, and some spinach. If that doesn't work (and I'm kinda scared to try), I'll just rock V8 and my fruit juice.

2) Charity... yeah... I've been meaning to volunteer for a loooooong time now; it is kinda the whole shyness/new-thing fear that's been in the way, but it's also the less noble fact that I, too, am not such a fan of most people. I would think that those involved in charities wouldn't be quite the pain in the rump that many people (namely my customers) seem to be, but who knows. I think I'd feel bad bitching about co-volunteers, you know? "Tim was spooning some stew into this guy's dish, right? And he was holding the scoop all wrong! Like, his hand was UNDER it somehow! What's up with that?" It just doesn't work.

Brief side note: I don't know what to think when a blurb on the nightly news says "Car in House" and it shows a picture of a car waist-deep into someone's outer wall. Then another shot shows a solid 50-60 yards of tire tracks across the yard, through a fence, and up a deck before they end at the aforementioned car. What was that guy smoking?

... okay, now that that side note has passed, I think I'm done for the night. Until next time, may your tunics never tear. Or somesuch. Toodles!


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