Saturday, November 05, 2005

Shining ain't happening; rising doesn't look good either...

You know, I try to get up at a decent hour in the mornings. Really, I do. On nights I get to bed on time (unlike tonight), I aim for 9AM, and on those nights that I don't, I aim for 10AM. But the mornings I'm aiming for 10, I wind up finally getting out of bed a little after11, and those days I aim for 9, I usually wind up getting out of bed a little after, um, 11. And when I was a teenager, I didn't really mind that. But now I really feel like I'm wasting a large chunk of the day, and it bothers me. I don't know if I'm not getting the right vegetables or what, but my ass'll hit the snooze alarm right up until 11, regardless of when the actual alarm is set to go off.

I mean, it's not as though my days are so chock-full of things to do that I don't get them all done when I sleep in; hell, I joined a gym and a martial arts class just to give myself something to do during the days. ... Maybe that's why I don't get up earlier? Because subconsciously, I think I'll be bored? (Hell, consciously I'm fairly positive I'd be bored too...) I've thought about getting a second job, 'cause extra money doesn't hurt and it'd give me a reason to get up, but now that I have gym and tai chi, my schedule would consist of very specific hours, and I don't see anyone shy of McDonalds tolerating such a strict schedule. Maybe I'll look around anyway; lol, that'll give me something else to help pass the time in my otherwise unoccupied mornings/afternoons.

PS: As a technicality, it's now offically my "happy birthday." May the enjoyable temporal periods commence motion in a circular pattern! (i.e. 'Let the good times roll!')


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