Saturday, October 21, 2006


I talked with my friend tonight; the one who I felt betrayed and abandoned me, for those I've talked to about her (for those I haven't, the story is basically a moot point now). I had to get a lot off of my chest, which I did so tonight, but I was finally able to do it in-person, which I think would have saved a lot of grief had the entire situation been done in-person (vs letters or texts, which can be misunderstood or misinterpreted). Things are back to the way they were (more or less), which is good, because she was well on her way to being a "best" friend before all the late unpleasantness happened. I think it is very fortunate for our friendship that I do place so much value on the word "friend." Once someone has earned that title, it is very difficult for them to do something so damaging that it is forever revoked. It is the fact that I called her a friend that made me not only willing, but eager to resolve things and try to get back to the way they were. I won't pretend that I'm 100% trusting again; it will be a long time before I can forget the hurt that was visited upon me. But steps have been taken in that direction, and tonight went a long way towards that happening.


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