Friday, November 25, 2005

I'm back

Okay, I know that was quick. But I encountered something that I couldn't not comment on. One of the websites I read regularly is a blog at I really like reading it because I can relate to the business-humor on the site, and I can relate to the more philosophical musings on the site. His most recent post, however, was a quick "Happy Thanksgiving" and a comment that he couldn't seem to avoid restaurants because he was going out to eat with his family. A few of his more mindless followers commented with a cheery happy thanksgiving, but one of them called him out on the fact that he was eating out. That person was more or less berated by everyone else who posted, and I couldn't let that slide. Here was the comment I wound up posting to the blog (feel free to go to the side to read some of the "beratings" that I'm addressing):

I'm amused by the fact that someone called it "lame" for people working on Thanksgiving (or, gasp, Christmas) to be upset about it. Yes, yes, if the restaurant is already open, why not go there? By all means, stop on by; encourage the owners to CONTINUE TO KEEP IT OPEN. That's why I have to work on T-day; that's why I have to work on X-mas. If people STOPPED going to restaurants or movies or home depot or WHEREVER on Thanksgiving, it wouldn't be profitable for those places to be open, and their employees would get the days off. Do I make good money on the holidays? Of course I do. But to some of us there's more important things, like seeing the family we don't get to see the rest of the year. I can't tell you how infuriating it is to pull together an 8-top so that the OWNER AND HIS FAMILY can enjoy dinner whilst I wait on them. I'm not "making up a gripe;" I'm speaking for everyone I work with. I agree with Ranty; for Waiter (who has undoubtedly had to work holidays in the past) to perpetuate this new tradition of eating out seems not only selfish but, if he's EVER had the thought of "man, I can't believe I'm working on christmas," hypocritical. The thanksgiving tradition revolves more around family than food. So your family is coming from out of town and you don't have the time or ability to prepare a full-course meal for them? That's fine; I understand that. Buy a couple of frozen pizzas on wednesday and cook 'em on Thursday. I can't believe we put more stock in the food tradition than the family tradition. Turkey and stuffing don't make thanksgiving, because if it did, those servers who have to work would be celebrating it as surely as you were. Time spent with family and friends is what we should truly be thankful for, and that's he holiday we deprive others of by making them work on the day. I love this website; I read it regularly and I will continue to do so; I think Waiter is very insightful and he often gives me something new to think about. But I can't believe he went out to eat on Thanksgiving, and I can't believe the amount of flack Ranty caught for calling him on it. I'm just sayin...


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