Friday, November 25, 2005

Well, there was this giant badger, see...

I've been very lazy about posting lately, but I'm only partially apologizing because I've just been lazy in general for the past week or so (I haven't practiced any tai chi for 3 days now, and unless i get my ass in gear today has a strong possibility of being the fourth.) My sleep schedule is all fucked-up, a result of late-night online conversations and a job working late that lets me not unwind for sleep until midnight at the earliest anyway. I had off yesterday for T-day (a miracle and a half, considering that we're open 365) and I went to bed at midnight. Time I finally got out of bed this morning? 10:45. Now, I grant you I tossed and turned a bit before falling asleep, but still. I hate when I sleep that late; it's not like I have so much to do, but I pussyfoot and lolligag and do other distracting things (like post to a blog) to the point that I suddenly run out of time to do the things I did have to do. So, on that note, I will cut this particular posting short, and promise to maybe sorta write more at some point in what people might possibly refer to as a "near" future.


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