Monday, November 14, 2005

Those little nagging doubts...

You know, we've all had a point of conversation, typically involving thoughts or feelings, that we weren't sure was a good idea to talk about. But, for one reason or another, we decide that we should, and so we start. And yet, not more than four words into the conversation, our thoughts immeditately shift to "FUCK! I knew I shouldn't've brought this up..." This more or less happens when the other person's looking at you sideways with a puzzled expression (sort of like when your dog doesn't understand what you're doing). Usually, it takes nothing more than the word "Wha...?" or "Huh?" or something on their part to make you feel completely foolish for what you've started saying and creates the need for you to justify things as you say them.

But, we aren't all always blessed enough to have someone listen to our little burble and just basically go "okay" and move on as though nothing out of the ordinary had occured. And for those of us that are, we should be thankful, because it'd be very easy for the other person to accent what idiots we are.


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