Saturday, November 26, 2005

The war continues...

***** Says:
on November 25th, 2005 at 4:53 pm
Are you serious? A waiter who goes out to eat on thangsgiving is selfish? Yes, all waiters should stand in solidarity and never eat out, ever. First of all no-one is forcing the waiter to work on thanksgiving. Life is about choices and if you dont like working on a holiday quit. It’s like saying if a person gets into a car crash and has to go to the hospital on xmas then he is selfish because the doctor on duty has to work on him. And who said going out to eat is putting more focus on food than family? Some people may not cook, they may not be well enough to make a dinner, or they may be just be lazy. This is America, and America is about choice. Did you ever consider that some people are not American and Thanksgiving or xmas is just another day to them? Did you feel deprived when the customer left you a tip? I bet the mexican dishwashers arent complaining, it’s just the overpriviledge american like your self. You didnt think about the water boys did you!

christhestampede ( Says:
on November 26th, 2005 at 1:51 am
I’m going to make one more post on this topic, then I’m done. I’m not going to keep debating on this poor guy’s blog; it’s not my place (unless he gives me permission, but he probably feels like I’m attacking him, so that’s not likely). However, I want to leave one more comment because my arrogance doesn’t want to be seen as backing-down.
1) My last refuter used one of the craziest slippery slope arguments I’ve ever heard. According to him, since I said that servers should be considerate enough to not eat out on the holidays, I obviously think they should never eat out. Given that, my next “logical” step is to claim that no surgeons should ever have surgery. That makes sense, right? (And I KNOW he’s not comparing serving someone turkey to saving lives…) This isn’t about going out to eat; it’s about keeping certain holidays as important.
2) If you’re going out to eat, you’re depriving someone else of being with their family. Even if you’re lazy, not well, or unable to cook, (and I mentioned this above) then just microwave a friggin’ pizza. But those who ARE lazy, ill, or who can’t cook are HELLBENT on getting the “traditional thanksgiving dinner,” so they go out to eat. Hence, they care more about their food than about the importance of family.
3) Is the “if you don’t like it, leave” argument something you use for immigrants too? Or is your job so incredible that there’s nothing you would change about it? I wonder how many of you accusing me of whining have to work on the holidays at this point? I suspect it’s very few, and I wish I could see your reactions when they’ve lost enough of their importance that even your cushy office jobs force you to work them.
4) “Did you ever consider that some people are not American and that t-giving or xmas is just another day to them?” Oh, you’re right. I’ve forgotten about the people visiting our country so they can WORK here for a WEEK before they go back to their native land… . Are you SERIOUS?!? If they’re working here, they’re AMERICANS! (And I can understand how xmas might not be a big deal, but t-giving is an AMERICAN holiday.) The Mexican dishwashers aren’t Mexican anymore; they’re Americans! If they’re working in this country, it’s because they want to live here. And I KNOW they value their families too; that’s why they send every last dollar they make across the boarder in an effort to help move them here to be with them in the land of opportunity.
This isn’t about how much money I could make on Thanksgiving; it’s about understanding the true meaning of the holidays. I’m not griping about the normal, day-to-day customers that we encounter; I’m talking about the loss of the sanctity of holidays. I’m saying that even if I were to lose out on $50,000 dollars worth of business, I wouldn’t keep any establishment I owned open 365 days a year. Again, unless waiter emails me, says “please feel free to comment on my blog as often as you like,” I won’t talk about this again on here. However, if any of you still think I’m wrong, and you want to continue this discussion, the email I use here is my real one. Drop me a line, and let’s see what you’ve got. (And Waiter, I apologize if I’ve monopolized this too much, or abused my commenting privilidge; It wasn’t my intention to do so. I just obviously feel strongly about this and wanted to address points as they came up. My rantings aside, I DO hope that you had a happy thanksgiving; keep up the good writing.)


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