Tuesday, September 13, 2005


I'm fed up with the newest managers at my job. Fed up with them rewriting their own schedules to suit their own needs on a day-to-day basis (when said schedules profoundly affect us, the laypeople). Fed up with them griping at us with the broad generalization that "things didn't get done last night" without mentioning any specifics, implying that the things that didn't get done were probably the very things they had to do. Fed up with them drinking and being rowdy (both on and off the clock) while we're supposed to be the vision of perfection. Fed up with a lot, and I'm not going to take it anymore. I may not be a manager, but I am a senior server, and dammit, I'm a philosopher. I can tell right from wrong and I can tell just from unjust. I'll no longer stand for the hypocracy demonstrated by these two hell-spawn. I would never say I've liked my job, but I certainly haven't hated it with the passion I have in the past few weeks. I've never thought about walking out until recently. And if I'm at a point that I'm considering quitting, well I'm at least gonna go fighting. I'll be fired for sticking up for myself and my fellow coworkers before I quit. The other managers don't like the two new ones any more than I do, and they too see what's going on. As of today, I think an alliance has been formed amongst them. Now it's up to me to rally the rest of the staff to voice their opinions and see if, together, we can't get the owner to cut these two jackoffs loose. I'm kind of like a general mixed with a kamikazi pilot; if I can't get the troops to destroy the target, I'll do it myself, even if it means sacrificing myself. Engarde!


At 8:48 PM, Blogger Amy Ruiz Fritz said...

Dude, if people are coming to the job drunk, you have to report it to the higher ups. It's not fair that I have to be sober at work and not them!


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