Friday, November 11, 2005


There is suffering. Suffering is caused by desire. The cessation of desire leads to the cessation of suffering. The cessation of desire comes from following the noble eightfold path.
-The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism

"The fear of loss is a path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate... leads to suffering." -Yoda (Episode I (II?))

Leave behind all of your posessions and come follow me.
-Jesus (paraphrased)

"Love? I thought that was forbidden for a Jedi..."
"Possession is forbidden. Attachment is "forbidden." But compassion, what I would call unconditional love, is central to a jedi's beliefs. So you might say that we are encouraged to love."
-Padme & Anakin (Episode II)

These are just a few examples of various different beliefs that all decry attachment and desire. This applies not only to material things, but to people as well. I think the last quote is perfect for all of us, because it shows a warping of honorable principles in order to accomodate one's own selfish desire. Anakin is equivocating two very different concepts of love, and I think that's what most of us do. When we say we want love, what exactly do we mean by that? 99% of the time, we mean we want someone to love us. That's the love Anakin refers to as well. The love of which the jedi speak is that of compassion; that of loving others. And that's what people miss out on. We're so hellbent on finding that "right person," but it's a search to find someone to love us and make us happy. Our definition of "Mrs. (or Mr.) Right" almost never includes our ability to make them happy and to love them.

This is a particular point of interest for me right now, because I have a lot of desires swirling about in this head of mine. (You decide which head.) And I know that I shouldn't act on them; that they are attachments, desires, that will only lead to trouble and suffering. But then the weak side of my personality kicks in, and I wonder what the point of having desires is if not to act on them? But that is just weakness talking... what it truly boils down to is that I cannot use anything, people or things, to promote my own happiness. If my actions do not contribute to the happiness of others, than I should not be doing them. And with that, I suppose, my inner conflict is resolved. Not easily, I should say, and probably not permanently. But for now, I know that which I should do from that which I should not.


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