Thursday, November 10, 2005

Things to say

An ironic title, because I don't really have much to say tonight. But I feel like I've gotten into the habit of posting regularly, and don't want to disappoint my readers (Hi mom!). So, that said, here I am.

I will say that I really, really, really need to get out of the house and on my own. It's reach a point of embarassment, I feel. That, and I get irritated when my parents stay up to watch the news in the basement rather than upstairs in their room. It's distracting to try to write anything meaningful on here when that's buzzing in the background. I also feel like they're becoming distressed about the fact that I'm less and less involved in their lives; I think that's typically a normal occurance, however, in most cases, it happens as the child moves out of the house. I haven't reached that point yet, so I think they feel as though something's wrong because I don't talk as much. Of course, when I'm talking with hot women online about sex and sexy things and other sex-type-things, they have about as much chance of getting my interest as mynoc had of chewing on the Millenium Falcon's power cables. ... yes, I'm a nerd. But I don't care. Star Wars rules!!!!!!!!!!!!


At 7:42 PM, Blogger Amy Ruiz Fritz said...

As much as I love my parents, there is no way I could live with them again on a long term basis. I did some time this summer (two months) and my goal is not to do it ever again. I just need my own space. I'm selfish like that. It's probably one of the many reasons why I'm single.

At 9:34 AM, Blogger christhestampede said...

lol; that's funny. I consider the fact that I DON'T live by myself to be one of the reasons I'm single...


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