Friday, December 02, 2005

Catching up

It's been a while since I posted. Again. This time was a purposeful absence though. I've had to deal with unpleasant thoughts/decisions for the past few days (well, past week really; decisions were made by tuesday.) And out of respect for that person's privacy, I won't write about it up here, but the short version is that I think I hurt someone. I think she's okay, or at least very shortly will be, but it doesn't erase the initial sting. And I hate doing that; I consider my purpose in life to be to make people laugh; to teach them how to be happy. To do the opposite of that, even if its sometimes necessary, pains me more than I think most people realize.

So, I haven't written here because that's pretty much all that I've been dwelling on the past few days, and all the uneccessary guilt that goes along with Catholic upbringings. But now that I feel the tension has resolved (at least on my part, but I believe on hers as well), I now return you to your regularly scheduled postings.

Um... okay, this is, uh, past this station's normal operating hours... please join us again tomorrow at, uh, o'clock for another broadcast day.


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