Wednesday, December 21, 2005

And here we are again

What does that title mean, you may ask yourself? Is it in reference to a return to blogging after a week-long absence? Nay, it is nothing that profound. It's an allusion to the fact that every FUCKING Christmast I wind up getting sick. Every fucking one! I swear to god, I'm so sick of it. I think my first ex put a hex on me, 'cause that's how long I've been sick every christmas. It's quite infuriating, I assure you.

But this year I'm attempting to beat the punch; at the onset of the cold, I called and made myself a doctor's appt, and am currently taking antibiotics to help me beat this bugger before the magic day arrives. The downside, however, is that I'm too sore/distracted to continue to work on my pictures, and I was already well behind them when the week started. (FYI, for christmas presents I've been drawing pictures for the people I care about; 1) It circumvents the commercialism of christmas, but 2) it takes time and consideration to do, in my opinion, making it a more meaningful gift. Of course, this assumes that they get done.)

So what else is new? I'm struggling to get past my aversion to dating so that I can continue seeing a rather cool young lady. It's really difficult, because I keep worrying about where my future will take me, and whether or not there's room for anyone else. But I suppose that there's little reason to worry about that now; let the future will take care of itself, I say.

I'm going to try to get off to bed at the moment; rest and liquids and whatnot. But I'll be seeing you.


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