Tuesday, January 31, 2006


I got my ass kicked at school today (For those of you just joining us, it's a martial arts school. I'm past the point of going to school with bullies.) My first class was just me and a brown sash, who is normally rather meek but today was what I might call over-zealous. A somewhat-missed front-sweep resulted in my half being blasted by his shin; that'll probably be a bruise. One of the techniques we were doing involved blocking in some way or another, and every time he blocked my punch, he made contact with me in such a way that he ground my shirt into that really sensitive area by your underarm. So now it's like I have rug burns just above both biceps.

Later today, shih-fu (that means instructor/father) went to teach some basic self-defense techniques to a group of girl scouts, and he took me along to help out (hold bags, watch them, etc.) Now, I'm not sure if shih-fu was showing off, or if he mis-gauged some distance, or what. But one heel kick to my stomach made VERY solid contact, an arm break demonstration WELL overextended my elbow, and the underside of my forearm is killing me for a reason I can't quite remember. And (this is the kicker), AND (okay, not literally a "kick"-er, but I can see how you might make that mistake), AND!!! the following dialogue also took place during the demonstration.

Girl Scout 1: If someone grabs you from behind, can you flip them?

Shih-fu: Sure, you can flip them.

Girl Scout 2: Can you flip him? (Pointing at me.)

Shih-fu (smiling): Yeah, I can flip him.

Girl Scouts 1-8 (virtually simultaneously): Will you do it? Can you? Flip him, please!!

... So, yeah, I got flipped for the first time today too. (He was gentle. In a straight way.) And whoever claimed that women are the caring, nurturing, gentler species, has clearly never dealt with 13-year-old girls.


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