Saturday, January 14, 2006

I have a dream

When I buy my own house, the first thing I'm going to do is go out and buy a biiiiig mailbox; a ginormous one; a big, tempting, plastic white one. Maybe I'll even paint a little target on the side. And THEN what I'm going to do, before I install it, is I'm going sit it open end up, and I'm going to fill about 80% of it with concrete; give it a good 3-4 in coating around each inside surface. Those of you who don't know why are either fortunate or, well, I won't say old, but how about 'out of touch.'

What is the thing with 'mailbox baseball'? I was driving home from class and I saw a solid half-dozen or more mailboxes that were either on their sides or had big holes in them! Now, I know kids will be kids; I think I'm little more than just a big kid myself, and I'll admit that there are times when I get carried away with something and not think about possible consequences. I mean, if kids are out playing baseball in an alley, and one of them cracks a homerun right through Mrs. Stoffalita's kitchen window, that happens. (Mind you, the kids should own up to it and they or their parents should pitch in to replace it, but it was still an accident.) But to take up a baseball bat, say "Fuck that little white ball, let's go get in the car and drive around hitting mailboxes!"... that's not mischievous, it's malicious. I mean, I guess this makes me old, but seriously; don't they have any respect for other people's property? Shit, if you want to drive by and hit a mailbox with a bat, do it at your own fucking house! And what really makes me cringe (and I hope I'm not giving anyone ideas here) is that the next logical progression, from where I can see, is taking a baseball bat to joggers on those back country roads. Weee! Isn't that fun?!?

And that, dear readers, is why I will probably spend the first three months in my new house awake every night, looking out my window. So when those punks drive by and take a swing at my mailbox, and the force of them hitting concrete knocks the batter out of the window, I can see it and laugh. And then go kick the shit out of him while he's dazed. That's what martial arts is all about.


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