Sunday, February 05, 2006

No Cheese

You know, I'm starting to feel like this blog is just becoming some sort of whiny sounding-board for me. I don't mean it to be; actually, I guess it isn't; I'm just cranky at the moment, so my outlook is all pessimistic-like.

In brief, I have had the worst weekend at work (fuck just a day) that I can remember in a looooong time. I've been berated multiple times each day by multiple customers for multiple petty reasons; multiple enough that I don't feel like going into them, partially because my brain is trying to forget them, but one fucker in particular stands out for asking me for bread TWICE before everyone at the table had even finished placing their drink order. But, on top of all that BS, my grandmother has been staying here this weekend, which means I've been ousted from my room and have been sleeping on the basement sofa/floor. I say "sofa/floor" because it's more accurate to say I've "attempted" to sleep, and I atttempted to use both the sofa or just the floor, each with minimal success. So I've had a shitty weekend on no sleep, and I want nothing more than to go to bed right now, but I can't because my grandmother's staying tonight as well, and, of course, everyone is in the basement obsessing over the Stupidbowl. (To boot, they've been so good as to light the fireplace, which means the basement will be 90 degrees when I try to go to sleep (too hot for any kind of blanket coverage) but 40% by the morning (which means I have to stumble around in the dark without my glasses to try to remember where I put a blanket before I went to sleep). I don't know what else to write, but "-sigh-." And that fels lame. So I'm just going to sign off and probably go try to sleep in the living room.


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