Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Job hunting is hard

God, this sucks! I hate my job, and I'm ready to grow up, and it's just not happening fast enough!!! I need to get hired by someone, dammit! Of course... it's probably my fault that I blew two of my interviews. One of which I was a little too casual during (an old friend of mine worked their, and seemed friends with the guy who interviewed me, so I guess I assumed that would translate, but I don't think it did.) And the other one I kinda ruined by asking a phone interview chick to lunch. Not my proudest moment, and certainly not my smartest. But she sounded hot! lol

I'm still dropping applications like bombs in the middle east. I also had the good people at State Farm inform me that they're about to have an opening, and they suggested I apply there. Even if I don't get/take a job there, it makes me feel good that the employees think well-enough of me that they'd want to work with me. Ideally, I still want a bank job. I know that business, I know I can do it, I know I can advance in it, an I know how to milk the benefits for all they're worth. So that's what I'm working towards. Wish me luck; I need it. I told my current job that if they were unable to give me off for Christmas, to let me know because I'd have to give my notice. Christmas means too much to me to spend the day in that suckhole. (Shouldn't be open anyway... ) But, if that's the motivation I need to kick my job hunt into high-gear, then so be it!


At 11:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


get a job here


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