Saturday, February 11, 2006

The proof is in the pudding...

and it's all over my face. (My coworkers will appreciate the innanity of that intro.) What is it that always makes us dismiss what our parents say? Even when we're older and, theoretically, wiser? My dad constantly (obnoxiously) spoke of the necessity of frequent hand washing. It didn't matter what we were doing before dinner (peeing, playing video games, sleeping, hell- even showering) we always got the "Did you wash your hands?" And I always dismissed it with a grain of salt; I mean, I think I wanted to believe that my body could handle any germs or whatnot that came from a videogame controller (I do wash after peeing, so :-P ).

But I'm sick again, and every time I get sick, the fucker lasts for a week or more. And this time in particular I've come to the decision that the main reason I get sick so much is because I don't eat enough fruits or veggies; and I do think that's partially the case. But I was talking to a regular customer of mine last night about how I don't like going to the doctors if I can help it (I don't want my body to develope a tolerance of antibiotics in case I ever really need them one day), and she said she was the same way. "Yeah, I'm the same way. I just drink a lot of juices and rest and wash my hands a lot." And for some reason, coming from her, that made a lot more sense. And it's not that I don't respect my father (although I'd lie if I said my former childlike perfect view of him hadn't become slightly more realistic), but I still think he's a great man and I hope I wind up at least somewhat like him. But, in any event, for whatever reason the whole hand-washing thing made more sense coming from my customer than it ever had coming from my dad. So I figure that I'll spend the next few months trying to pound apples and oranges and spinach and other healthy things and washing my hands nigh-obsessively and see if I still get sick. Maybe I just have a weak immune system. Who knows? But whatever it is, I hate it.


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