Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The need for speed...

or posting. Whichever comes first. Looks like posting.

It's funny, but nothing spurs me to write here more than someone commenting on something else I've written here. ... Unfortunately, spurring doesn't equal having something to write about.

So, um... come here often?

Okay, how bout this? Why the hell can't I get to bed at a reasonable hour? Seriously... I always intend to go to bed by midnight, but it never seems to happen. It's not that I'm getting old (I am) and need to go to bed early; I'm just tired of sleeping until noon; I waste my whole morning! And then I don't feel like going to class at 1, 'cause I feel rushed and I like to relax and take my time when I first wake up. It's a fiasco! (That's my word of the week... "it")

Um, what else... Empire today will bring floor samples to you to look at, and you save on their factory-direct prices. Apparently.

Also apparently, I have nothing to say tonight. I'm going to go. Sorry for wasting your time, but you can't have your five minutes back. They're mine now, suckers!


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