Monday, October 03, 2005

The spammers

I think I'm on to the spammers' plan of attack. They wait, patiently and quietly, until a new post appears. Then they wait a little bit more, until the poster has likely gone away for a period of time, and they POUNCE! Yes, that is what you do, isn't it, spammers. Or, should I say... MR. GATES? Ha-HA! I am on to you, but you're cunning tactics won't be enough to thwart me. Should an anonymous comment, or some other comment attempting to sell me things I don't need (or things I do need, but don't want the internet community to know I need), I will:


Your move, Mr. Gates...


At 9:16 PM, Blogger christhestampede said...

So be it, William... so be it...

(On a slightly less dramatic note, I'm quite amused by the fact that the spam posting that appears after I challenge Bill Gates is from "therichjerk101." You can't buy comedy that good. Well, you can, but it'd cost a lot.)


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