Sunday, October 02, 2005

The sword in the plank

Every now and again, I really enjoy working with my hands. That's not just a plug to get in good with the ladies, either. The proof? I've said on many a post that I enjoy working on my car, and that I have a real feeling of accomplishment when I'm done. In this case, however, I refer to my Halloween sword, which is coming along nicely. My dad, I think, phrased it best when he said "you get an idea in your head, and you know what you want, and you follow through with it until it's done." And, at least in this case, he's right. It still has some work left to it, but even now it looks fantastic. And from someone with no real tool-training, as it were. Seriously though, I'm hoping to get it finished tomorrow, and if I can get a pic of it up here, I will. I could never make a living using my hands (my degree of retardation is too high), but every once in a while I like making stuff. (Before the sword, it was a plaque for my Garbage CDs, which, incidentally, also turned out awesome.)

On a different note, blogger seems to be down for a lot of maintenance recently. In a perfect world, I imagine that they'd be fixing some of the things that cause me to swear and think unhappy thoughts. In reality, I'm sure it's more along the lines that they're tired of me complaining about their product as I'm using it and just decided to screw with me by preventing me access at random times. ... You win this round, blogger. You win this round...


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