Sunday, February 11, 2007

Hi Everybody!

It's been some long time since I posted here, huh? It sucks to think that this may be the last one, not by my choice, but because blogger seems to be forcing this Google switch-over, and my best bud in the whole world Jackson lost his entire blog in attempting to do so. So this might all be gone the next time I try to post. Bummer, right?

That said, there's been a good bit going on with me since I last wrote here. I finally quit my job waiting tables, thank GOD. I've been so much happier since I left, and it's only been 4 weeks! I didn't realize how miserable that place had made me. But now I'm free, and working at a bank as a teller/new accounts person, so that's pretty cool. I'm hoping to sasche my way into an assistant manager position by the end of the year, but we'll see if that happens. It's all good at the moment though.

I find time to be my biggest factor now. I worked only 25ish hours a week at the restaurant, and I'm pulling 40 now. So you figure that's an extra 3 hours/weekday that I'm working, which is kind of a bummer. I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to juggle girlfriend, martial arts classes, and business classes. And I half want to find a part-time 2nd job! AND I have to have time to write role-playing adventures! So, yeah, I feel like time is fleeting these days; once I get into a routine, I think I'll be better able to relegate it though, and live in the moment. The trouble with trying to save time is that you can't; you can only spend it. But you can spend it foolishly or wisely. I intend to spend it wisely, but so much has changed in the past month I'm still trying to find a rhythm.

I'm fairly enamoured with my girlfriend; she's an amazing chick who has more in common with me than I ever thought possible. Our three-month anniversary is coming up and we haven't even fought yet, which is incredible. (Most of my relationships don't make it to the three-month mark.) Sure, we've had a "talk" or two, but they weren't arguments by any stretch of the imagination; they were really nothing more than just a kind of feeling-out of where each other is coming from. And I've known her for a long time too, so I'm fairly confident that there's no nasty surprises coming my way. I must admit, though, that it's intimidating to think that I might have found the right one. It was barely more than a year ago that I learned to be happy being single and revelled in the prospect of being able to date whoever I wanted. And now I find myself settling down. It's strange... But fear has driven much of my life, and I won't let it drive this relationship. If we don't work out, then we don't, but I'm not going to let my anxieties get the better of me like I have in the past.

I think all of that is part of this whole "growing-up" kick I'm on. It's not that I'm leaving behind my child-like ways. I'm still saving (SAVING!) to get a PS2 again; I'm role-playing again. I'm still doing all the things that I like to do. I guess I'm just realizing that those things have to be given equal, if not secondary, status to doing adult things like having a real job with benefits and saving for retirement and a house and stuff. That's daunting too, but it's been past-time that I get my act together. I've had people try to tell me that, but I didn't listen at the time; I don't think I could've then. I couldn't understand. I had to come to that realization on my own. I guess that holds true for most people...

Anyhoo, in the event that this whole life-history from the past few years DOES get deleted by my forced-switch to a google-based blogger, I want to thank all my readers. It's funny, because this is mostly for me, but there are definite times when I'm speaking to one or more of you, rather than simply recording my thoughts. You're as much a part of this blog as any word or sentence I type. So, thanks. And hopefully, I'll see you here next time!


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