Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Cars and Things

I'm not a material person; really, I'm not. But I will own a Caterham 7 some day; I don't think my life will be complete without it. ( Now, I've touted the merits of the 7 on here before (, so I won't do it again. But goddamn that's a sexy car! To me, anyways...

I thoroughly embarassed some guy in a civic yesterday; that was fun. These days I don't do much road racing anymore (I've matured a bit) but this guy was just on my ass, and I had a car in front of me; that pisses me off, because even if I wanted to go faster, I couldn't, so what good does tailgating me do? Anyhoo, after bathing him in my washer fluid, the car in front of me turns, and I'm left with the "Ignore him or dust him" option. I went with option 2. I was whipping around turns at roughly 60mph in 2nd gear (which is about as fast as my car goes in 2nd gear, but it wasn't worth upshifting because I was pretty much driving those turns at the limit anyway). And I was pulling away from him, not so much because my car corners better (my 6-cyl accord is much bulkier than a civic), but I think because I was either A) gutsier in my approach or B) a better driver. Maybe both. In any event, as I come out of the last turn he starts to gain a bit (maybe I didn't take that turn as well? Maybe he got bolder? I dunno.) However, it didn't last long because by that point we were on a straightaway and I just went "nope, 3rd gear" and left him far behind. Seriously folks, that's better than sex. I mean, sex is fun and all, but my legs aren't shaking for 10 minutes after sex. I had a hard time pushing the clutch afterwards because I was so weak in the knees.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The need for speed...

or posting. Whichever comes first. Looks like posting.

It's funny, but nothing spurs me to write here more than someone commenting on something else I've written here. ... Unfortunately, spurring doesn't equal having something to write about.

So, um... come here often?

Okay, how bout this? Why the hell can't I get to bed at a reasonable hour? Seriously... I always intend to go to bed by midnight, but it never seems to happen. It's not that I'm getting old (I am) and need to go to bed early; I'm just tired of sleeping until noon; I waste my whole morning! And then I don't feel like going to class at 1, 'cause I feel rushed and I like to relax and take my time when I first wake up. It's a fiasco! (That's my word of the week... "it")

Um, what else... Empire today will bring floor samples to you to look at, and you save on their factory-direct prices. Apparently.

Also apparently, I have nothing to say tonight. I'm going to go. Sorry for wasting your time, but you can't have your five minutes back. They're mine now, suckers!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

The key to it all.

I am one fucked up bear... why, you ask? Mind your own fuckin business internet! Besides, shouldn't you instead be asking how a bear could type with those massive paws?

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The sickness

I'm going to start a seperate blog, I think, and only make entries when I get sick. Hands up, who thinks they'd see more posts on that on than this one? Yeah... me too.

I don't know what gets me sick so often. Actually, I'm fairly confident it's a combination of no vegetables, minimal fruits, no supplemental vitamins, and the occasional late night/early morning combination. I'm going to start working on those things though... take vitamins and whatnot.

This time sucked about as much as I can remember. I actually can't remember any recent times that were worse than Monday and Tuesday were. When I finally gave up trying to get better on my own (I try to avoid getting antibiotics too often because I don't want to build up a resistance to them), I had to have my mom call to make a Doctor's appointment and my brother had to drive me there. I was fucked-up. I had a 101 temperature (which accounted for the POUNDING headache over monday and tuesday), a "pretty bad" throat infection, and "probably" a sinus infection. Oh yeah, and my cold sores (yes, I have herpes of the mouth, okay? don't judge me!) are in force; I don't remember having this many. There's six or seven in my usual upper-lip area. (And they hurt like hell this time; usually there's just an odd sort of "numbness" in that area.)

But although I'm not 100% better, I feel a lot better. My head doesn't hurt anywhere near as much, my nose isn't as stuffed, my cough seems contained, and my throat hasn't hurt since sunday (I've been sick since saturday). That said, I'm gonna get going for now. Try to scrounge up something to eat, and then probably try to get more sleep. Stay healthy! (I'm trying self-affirmation there; I don't care if any of you get sick. Okay, well maybe Tom. But other than him, you can all get The Clap for all I care. Fuckers.)

PS: Being sick makes me ornery. And horny.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Too long

No, I'm not referring to- nevermind. But seriously; two weeks in between posts? That's crazy-talk! What kind of blog is this where I go two weeks without posting?!? Well, I suppose it's one where not much happens in my life over the course of two weeks (that I'm willing to write about on here, anyway.... Some things are better left un-typed).

What's new? I'm addicted to Tetris again. Fucking game. I swear to god, I deleted it off my laptop so I wouldn't consistently play it for 3 hours before bed, and after a few weeks I thought I'd kicked the habit, but upon reinstalling it I found out I'm just as weak as ever. ... I need an intervention. (Although, I'm proud to say that, despite playing for shit over the past few days, my scores typically get in the 200,000 range, and I've peaked around 350,000. So I'm fairly pleased with that.)

Um... OH YEAH! I was gonna write about X-com on here! X-Com is a computer game that came out back in '94 (no comments from my younger readers, please), and was voted game of the year. The basic premise is that aliens are attacking earth, and you have to stop them. Same ol' same ol', right? But no! X-com took it in a totally different direction. Sure, you have missions where you have to explore an alien crash site, or a terrorized city, and you move your troups in turn-based combat. But they did it well, adding various types of terrain, various types of weaponry, different personnel attributes (such as marksmanship (which determined how good of a chance a guy had to hit his target), speed (which determined how much a guy could do in a given turn), and morale (which affect the other attributes positively or negatively, depending; a character with minimal morale (maybe the commander was killed during the mission) would panic, drop his gun, and run).) Your guys could duck, take aimed shots or rapid fire shots, peek around corners... it was incredibly well-done.

BUT THAT'S ONLY HALF THE GAME!!! The OTHER half is the business portion, kind of like civilizations. The company is funded by various governments, and they'll increase or decrease funding based on your ability to counter the alien threat in their borders. With their funding, you have to build additions to your base (alien containment facilities for sustaining/interrogating captured aliens, storage places, barracks, labratories, hangars, etc), build new bases, buy equipment (planes, weapons, ammo), hire staff (soldiers, scientists, engineers), and pay for base upkeep (including the salaries of your staff; you don't just pay once for them, it's a continued expense and too many can very quickly drive you bankrupt). The scientists research alien technology, allowing you to understand and use it. (For example, they might comprehend an alien gun, but not yet an alien ammo-clip. So if your troups find a gun in combat they can use it, but they can't reload it.) Engineers can replicate the technology and start building you supplies. And, of course, if you're in a pinch for money, you can always sell off the alien artifacts for a nice profit. (NEVER sell the Elerium-115. You must trust me on this; you'll need it later in the game, because your engineers never learn how to make it.)

So, yeah, I re-bought X-com on ebay, and I'm eagerly awaiting its arrival! (I paid $23 for it; that's pretty high for a game over 10 years old, which indicates how great it is.) My only concern is that the last time I tried to play the game (probably why I got rid of it) the sound didn't work on the newer computer and the game moved a little too quickly ('cause computers are much faster than they were in '94). I've found a mod online that slows the game down some, but the sound is crucial too, because in battle, sometimes the only clue to where an alien is hiding is the fact that you hear a door open and close on one of their turns.

LOL... what does it say about me, that the most exciting thing that I (am willing to) write about for two weeks is a video game?